Families at ASURA 2025

Dedicated parents room

ASURA 2025 supports parents with young children who will be attending the Congress in Hobart. A viewing room has been made available for parents with children. The room provides space for activities and play for children, while their parents can listen to the plenary presentations with live AV projection.

The family friendly area will feature amenities including a breastfeeding and food preparation zone, changing table, and play area which are all easily accessible.

The room will be opened during conference hours 8am – 5pm daily

Will there be a creche at the ASURA 2025 Hobart?

For parents staying at the Grand chancellor seeking childcare services, the hotel can give childcare recommendations when you book your accommodation. Please call them on +61 3 6235 4535 following your online registration.

Other city hotels may also offer babysitting services or provide recommendations.

Since COVID-19, there has been a significant decline in the number of childcare providers willing to offer off-site services. Various factors, including insurance and risk management, costs, staff availability, and the provision of necessary equipment, have been cited by these companies as reasons for their reluctance to extend services beyond their premises.

Ensuring the safety of children utilising a creche during an ACE meeting has always been and remains a paramount concern. If we cannot ensure this safety or the quality of service from a provider, we believe it’s in the best interest of delegates and their children not to offer a creche facility.

Note that the Enterprise Agreement in some states allows for reimbursement of childcare expenses incurred as part of continuing medical education (not all states, please check your agreement).

The Health Care Industry (HCI) exhibition

The Health Care Industry (HCI) exhibition is available to ASURA delegates to network, learn more in regard to medical devices, pharmaceutical and health practices and innovations and to engage with presentations and presenters.

We are committed to creating a safe and productive environment for all people who attend and support our major meetings.  We also acknowledge that the HCI is an extremely busy space with catering, medical equipment and often large numbers of people. 

For delegates who are attending the meeting with a baby, we understand that you may need and want to have the baby with you especially during morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea breaks.

We respectfully request that all young walking-age children please not enter the HCI area due to the presence of medical grade equipment including sharps and other hazardous and loose objects. 

Acknowledgment of Country

We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Nipaluna people, the traditional owners of the Hobart region where ASURA2025 will be hosted.  The Nipaluna people have a deep, spiritual connection to the land and are responsible for ensuring it is respected by all that use it.

We commit to respecting the land, people and culture of the Nipaluna Nation during the conference, and at all times.

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